Playful Yet Effortless: Using the Schulwerk to Enhance Creativity


Massry Center for the Arts, College of St. Rose, 1002 Madison Ave, Albany, NY 12208

There’s always a place for creation – a folk dance with a twist, a chance to explore the xylophone, or an opportunity to see what your body can do with one word – but pulling these ideas from our students can be challenging. Let’s go back to the Schulwerk roots of playfulness, discovery, and wonder as we explore these ideas and more through student-led choices, improvisation, risk-taking, and more. We’ll unearth the unexpected, so join us on the journey!

Matthew Stensrud is an award-winning Orff Schulwerk certified Elementary Music and Movement Teacher at George Mason Elementary School in Alexandria, VA. Matthew has presented at AOSA national conferences and state conferences and local chapters and school districts across the country.

Saturday, September 28, 2019 - 9:00am to 1:00pm