Keep It Moving; Traditional World Dances and Rhythm Games

Debby Szajnberg

College of St. Rose, Massry Center for the Arts, Albany, NY

Debby will help you build a repertoire of traditional games, dances, and play parties from children across cultures. Come learn classroom-tested favorite dances and singing games. In addition, Debby will include children’s rhythm games she has been collecting in her travels and from immigrant communities including games from Afghanistan, Trinidad, Greece, Norway, Turkey, Congo, China, and more. Experience the fun of multilingual nonsense words, changing meters, polyrhythms, and uneven phrase lengths. Please note you can do the rhythm games either seated or standing, perfect for small classroom spaces and people of differing abilities.

4.0 hours of CTLE credit

Debby Szajnberg has extensive training in world dance and music, especially Balkan and Eastern European folk traditions. She has taught movement for Orff Levels, and presents at regional and national workshops and conferences. A former classroom teacher, she leads family dances, plays violin, sings and drums in international folk music ensembles. Debby has been a proud member of AOSA since 1977!

Saturday, October 28, 2017 - 9:00am to 1:00pm