Orff in a Virtual/Hybrid World. Ideas and Processes

This 2-hour workshop will be offered online

How to navigate teaching virtually and in-person using Orff pedagogy.  We will sing, dance, and play instruments (virtually and otherwise).  Have some hand percussion handy for our session together.

This workshop is free for BHVAOSA members.  The fee for all other in-service educators will be $15.00.

Saturday, March 20, 2021 - 9:30am to 11:30am
Price: $15.00
Presenter's Name: 
Rob Amchin
Presenter's Photo: 
Presenter's Bio: 
Dr. Robert Amchin is a distinguished teaching professor of music education and serves as the liaison to the College of Education at the University of Louisville. His training includes studies at the Orff Institute in Salzburg, Austria.  A sought after Orff pedagogue, Dr. Amchin has taught Orff teacher-training courses, master classes, and workshops at local, state, and national events throughout his career.  Dr. Amchin holds a Ph.D. from The University of Michigan, where he investigated creative thinking skills in elementary-age children. source: https://louisville.edu/music/faculty-staff/Faculty/robert-amchin